Wednesday 1 June 2011

Melon's TV series of the week - Doctor Who

Melon: I have chosen to do Doctor Who as my TV series of the week as I am in love with it.
I started watching Doctor Who on the second episode of the second series (the first one with David Tennant). After watchig it I decided to watch all the rest, and I am now a firm fan :)
That Christmas I got the complete first series with Christopher Eccleson on DVD, and I have every series since including the specials that came out after David Tennant left ( :'( ).

I would suggest that anyone who likes sci-fi should watch this series, start from series 1 and work your way along... I thought it would take a whil for me to get over David Tennant as the Doctor when he was replaced by Matt Smith, but Matt is equally as funny :P

When Roses' and The Doctor's story supposedly finished I was quite gutted, and then when she was replaced with Martha Jones, I didn't like Martha, especially when she tried to create a romantic relationship between herself and the Doctor, but... The Doctor was still in love with Rose anyway.

I love the fourth series the most, as it has all the companions together fighting the oldest enemy... The Daleks.

I think that is enough for now... I will let you decide if you end up watching it.


Series 1 - Christopher Eccleson: 10/10
Series 2 - David Tennant: 10/10
Series 3 - David Tennant: 9/10
Series 4 - David Tennant: 10/10
Series 5 - Matt Smith: 10/10
Series 6 - Matt Smith (Still on TV): 10/10

Melon xxx